
I’d like to say that post title is an acronym for a secret baking spy organization or something more mysterious than that what it actually is, which is basically my acknowledgement (with emphasis) that my time-juggling skills are just not what they used to be. (In case you haven’t guessed by now, I’m referring to the connection to my fellow Gigglers.)

The good news is that The GiggleBake Plan remains in motion! That’s not to say there’s any bad news. Well, maybe a little – in that our GiggleBake10’ers are impatiently tapping their toes in anticipation of the next shipment (which . . . heh, heh, heh .

Mardi Gras in GiggleBake Town

Love it when our GiggleBake10’ers pitch in like this! It’s Mardi Gras time – and here’s our Las Vegas GB10’er sharing the contents of her latest GiggleBake Box. (Now doesn’t that make you want to sign up for...

The GiggleBake Plan Unfolds

You’ve probably been thinking, “Hey! I should be hearing more about GiggleBake by now!” And you’d be right. (it’s like we’re sympatico, huh?) Even though it’s been only 13 days since our original “We’re alive!” post, those days have been filled with some crazy enthusiasm about the feedback we’ve received from the GiggleBake10.

(To reiterate, GiggleBake is finally taking the leap from “if I don’t bake something, that laptop is going out the window!” to …

Well, hi there!

If you’ve landed here, then we’re probably separated by less than 3 degrees.

And in that case, it probably also means you’re close to being as crazy as we are. (It’s nice to be understood.)

Right now, GiggleBake is in start-up Start-up mode. No, we don’t stutter. We’re exploring the world of options open to us – or looking for the first door to slam in our faces. (We’ve heard all those successful people out there started out that way, so we’ll take that as a good sign.)

But let’s get down to what you came for. The Goods. (are we right?) So, if you’d like: