One of our beta program participants, Susie received her GiggleGift Box in our second month – February 2016 – and our packaging has changed up a bit since then, as you can see. But the goods inside were still to die for! Bright Mardi Gras colors and strings of beads heralded the arrival of something unexpected, fun, and delicious (our three trademarks). Taking a bite-size turn on tradition, our mini King Cakes were packed with cinnamon and pecans and bore the colors of the day proudly. Shortbread, caramel and pecans were served up in our Mini Pecan Bites, and freshly-made Espresso Marshmallows with just a smidge of Guittard chocolate atop them made for one quick and refreshing bite of sweetness. Lest you think we ignored the details – nope . . . our King Cake baby arrived safely, too! (We just thought it would be nice not to have Susie break a tooth biting into one!)
Susie’s “Mardi Gras” GiggleGift Box
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