Hey, we said “Wake Up, Pardner!” At least, that’s how John saw his “Wyoming Sunrise” box arrival. It all began with Zolts! Tasty espresso bites that give you that little mid-afternoon bump we all need. A supply of freshly-ground “Up-An’-At-‘Em” breakfast blend coffee direct from Jackson Hole Roasters in beautiful Jackson, Wyoming – complete with clip-on, stainless steel coffee scoop (sits right on the bag!). City Slicker New York Crumb Coffee Cake finishes off a great start to your morning, with bite-sized Broncs – cake-style brownies packed with Guittard chocolate. Just to make sure you’re covered for your whole day – a jar of freshly-made Cowboy Syrup – a salted caramel sauce that John assured us was the perfect topping for pretty much ANYthing he could find!
John’s “Wyoming Sunrise” GiggleGift Box
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