We won't tell you what's next . . . but you can take a look at the past!
The Original ‘Surprise Theme’ GiggleBake Box.
It ships each month – and no one knows what’s in it (except us).
Until it arrives and you open it with breathless anticipation and then giggle with delight.
While you’re waiting for the next one, our crazy little minds are busy brainstorming the next theme, test-baking new recipes, and planning its perfect presentation – just for you. Here’s a look at the ones we’ve created in the past. Want to be in on the surprise? Order your own subscription, and then you’ll definitely be a GiggleBake Insider!
Our Previous Boxes (Enjoy!)

May 2019
The “Sea Cruise” Box
Mustikkapulla - Finland
Blueberry pies are a fixture of the Finnish coffee culture, appearing in all shapes, sizes, and manner of presentation. These Blueberry Buns are just one manifestation – but definitely worth scarfing down while you look for others at your Finnish corner bakery.
Nussecken - Germany
A little bit easier to pronounce, these Nut (Nuss) Corners (Ecken) – (there’s your German lesson for the day) – bring a sweet shortbread together with hazelnuts and a hidden layer of apricot jam – along with a quick chocolate dip. A classic German pastry you’ll find in every bakery shop.
Stroopwafel - Netherlands
The Stroopwafel originated in the town of Gouda (a little place also acknowledged for some sort of cheese, we hear) in the late 18th century. As many of the greatest dishes are, it started out as leftover scraps dipped in syrup, and today, well, who doesn’t love Stroopwafels? These thin biscuits with caramel filling are a delight when placed over your cup of coffee to melt the caramel. A great way to start the day.
Pasteis de Nata - Portugal
World-famous (which means if you haven’t heard of them, where do YOU live?) custard tarts that offer a unique treat with minimal (premium) ingredients. A cinnamon custard in a flaky pastry shell – our suggestion is to heat them briefly first (although they’re great at room temp, too) – either in a toaster oven or microwave.
Hazelnut Cappuccino Biscotti - Italy
How clever are we – to combine the best of Italy into one incredible cookie? A little punch of espresso and cappuccino chips melds deliciously with hazelnut and chocolate for an on-my-way-out-the-door breakfast bite.
Koulourakia - Greece
A cookie for the ages (seriously, since the Minoan civilization), Koulourakia are delicate butter-based pastries in the shape of a braid, ring, or other design with a distinctive sprinkle of sesame seeds. At one time an Easter treat, they’ve become one of the daily offerings found in Greece and other Mediterranean countries.
The Menu
(Won’t You Let Me Take You On A) Sea Cruise
Now that we’ve got that old song stuck in your head – let’s move on to the task at hand — namely, our Leisurely Sea Cruise around the European continent. With, of course, stops for sweets in some of our favorite countries. Today’s tour will take us from FINLAND to GERMANY, on to the NETHERLANDS, with a stopover in PORTUGAL, a quick trip to ITALY, and we’ll end our journey in GREECE. All without anyone getting seasick! (It’s a gift) BON VOYAGE!!

April 2019
The “Are We There Yet?” Box
Oreos, But Better
A bit bigger, a lot more chocolate flavor, and hey – we just happened to notice that really cool logo on them! These are “Oreos” you’ll want to take one-at-a-time. And savor every bite.
The Circus Is In Town
Who was the first one in your house to grab this bag when it came home from the store? One of our favorites that somehow popped their way into our mouth over, and over, and …well, you get what we mean.
Fig Newtons of Your Imagination
Not that there was anything wrong with the originals, but we’re sort of proud of our handmade, fresh-fig version. The flavor definitely delivers a more powerful punch!
Triple Header
Seriously, have you noticed that cookies pretty much define most of our childhood? To honor them with the basics, we present The Ultimate Cookie Collection: Peanut Butter, Oatmeal, and Chocolate Chip – all in a more grown-up version with a LITTLE twist here and there to improve on the originals. The perfect dunking trio!
In Case We Missed Your Birthday
It’s a bitty little unicorn-sprinkle birthday loaf – just in time for – or really late – or perhaps incredibly early – for your birthday! You know we’re always thinkin’ of ya!
Mom's Apple Pie (Improved)
Whoa! Don’t get all defensive now! We’re just saying, if mom would have added caramel to her apple pies, we know WE would have been happier! (Then again, we put caramel on everything.) Some nifty little Caramel Apple Hand Pies to remind you….. There’s No Place Like Home. (you had to see that one coming)
Retro Candy
While your favorite retro candy may not be in here, we hope there’s a little bite of the past that will make you smile.
The Menu
Are We There Yet?
That one simple question – takes us back to our childhood every time, doesn’t it? Images of family vacations or adventurous destinations that we couldn’t wait to get to- not realizing that the journey was all part of the fun. This month, we’re taking a little trip down memory lane with treats and tidbits we remember (hopefully fondly!) from our younger carefree days. But we’re doing it the grown-up way – with all the fun and the taste – but none of the chemicals.

March 2019
The “Top O’ The Morning” Box
Arán Sóide (Irish Soda Bread)
An Irish mainstay, the origin of soda bread (in one form or another) can actually be claimed by many countries. To be sure, it came to American at the end of the 18th century, too – and there’s no denying its appeal. Rich with currants and densely hardy, enjoy this with a quick nuke and The Jam for Everything. And smile.
The Jam for Everything
Seriously. We mean, this jam is good with EVERYTHING. No doubt about it, it’s the perfect and lively addition to the above soda bread. But we’ve also noticed there are practically no foods this doesn’t make better. But start with the bread….we promise you won’t be disappointed. Cooked and canned by GiggleBake.
The Red Earth of Tara (Irish Granola)
You SERIOUSLY didn’t think we’d be chatting up Ireland without including our favorite Irish belle, did you? In case you’re wondering, the quote is “You get your strength from this red earth of Tara, Scarlett,” says Rhett. But getting back to the granola – this is the real deal (as you’ll see from the ingredient list) – put some on your oatmeal or any other breakfast cereal – it adds a unique flavor and crunch!
Brioscarán (Irish Shortbread)
Not always the richest country in the neighborhood throughout history, the Irish learned how to be creative with what they had on hand. You may have had English or other shortbreads in the past that you enjoyed – but the simple ingredients (only 5) and the addition of cornflour make these Irish Shortbread cookies a very special treat.
Irish Oat Flapjacks
Stone ground oats. Try to find that in your local grocery store. In fact, we had to head straight to the source of the only stone ground mill left in Ireland to find these oats. The Walton family is still using the same stones their ancestors began with back in the 1700’s to make this oatmeal. And it makes a hearty, filling bar to keep you going through the day. One of our favorites this month.
Pistéise (Pistachio Cakes)
Okay, maybe we had to give way just a little bit with these tiny Pistachio Bundlettes, with with their inherent green-ness and all. A generous helping of homemade Pistachio pudding and topping of chopped, sugared, Pistachios sort of made our day. So we thought we’d make your’s, too!
The Menu
Top O’ The Morning
There’s a whole lot more to Ireland than Green Beer and Leprechauns. Just ask anyone who’s been there. So while it’s the month of St. Patrick, we want to celebrate some of the more earthy and wholesome foods of this ancient and magical country… many of which make great bites or accompaniments to your breakfast routine. Éirinn go Brách!

February 2019
The “I’d Like to Thank the Academy…” Box
Toast of the Town
That title might not mean a lot to some of you, but trust us when we tell you that if your name got mentioned in that column (or even better, you were on the tv show – aka the “Ed Sullivan Show”), you were Golden in Hollywood. It was a time to pop open the bubbly, for sure! These Pink Champagne Bouchons are even better, if you ask us.
Hollywood Palms
Bet you didn’t know these exquisite pastries (in their smaller version) were named for Palm Trees, huh? Delicate and flaky, walk into ANY room with one of these and you’ll be the star of the evening (if you share, that is).
Walk of Fame
Speaking of “Stars” – what Hollywood event is complete without a few “blondes” hanging around the Hollywood Boulevard Walk of Fame? We thought these decadent Blondies were the perfect fit: Desirable Starlets with the occasional dark roots. heh. heh.
French Foreign Film Award
For lots of folks, this is the part where you head to the kitchen for refills. But take our word for it, these are French Winners you won’t want to miss. Kerrygold Butter-rich with a whiff of toasted almond – we shaped these French Sablés just like the diamonds you’d (probably be) wear(ing) on that designer gown.
Pomegranate and Pistachio Truffles. An incredible combination that delivers a tart punch of flavor tempered with salty Pistachios and (what else?) Guittard Bittersweet Chocolate. Not that all Starlets are sweet, too. We’re just giving the benefit of the doubt.
Tonight, everyone is a winner – and takes home a golden Oscar just begging to have his head bit off. Or, you could start with his feet. But don’t let this Guittard Organic Milk Chocolate award go to waste, whatever you do!
The Menu
I’d Like to Thank the Academy . . .
…because it’s an honor just to be nominated!” Yeah, RIGHT. We all know they want to get their hands on that Oscar and thank everyone they ever met (much to our chagrin) But at least we made it easy for you to enjoy an Oscar of your own! Even better – no papparazzi, and it’s made of solid Guittard Milk Chocolate. But that’s just the beginning,. Because we’ve got some Red Carpet Quality Party Bites for you to enjoy during your favorite films, too. Break a leg!

January 2019
The “Black and White” Box
Pull Me Over
Live, from New York…! Oh wait, we got carried away. Well, these classic Black and White cookies will make you think you just walked into a New York deli. Cakey, lemon-y delights will leave you wondering – which side do I start with first?
Sea of Love
That little something extra that we all need……an impossibly dark chocolate crust accompanies this dark and white chocolate tart with a divine whiff of citrus. Just one little note: If you cut it like a pie, you will have the most adorable piece of tiny pie you ever saw!
Open Sesame
No Ordinary Cake Pops. These start out with a center of fragrant ground black sesame seeds that are the base of this deliciously different cake. The perfect not-quite-savory counterpart to the sweetness that encases each pop. Eat these slowly, you’re going to want to savor.
There are scones, and then there are delicious, glaze-soaked pieces of heaven with teeny-tiny Guittard chocolate chips throughout. Sorry to disappoint – but these are lots better than those wacky coffee shop scones you’ve tried.
Macs in White
Winter white macarons filled with a vanilla Russian Buttercream. Delicate little buggers, that’s for sure. So we want to say that even if they arrive a little worse for wear in transit, a broken macaron is better than a day without a macaron – any time.
Sherlock's Bark
Who looks at Houndstooth and doesn’t think of Sherlock Holmes? We certainly aren’t those people! We thought it would be fun to include some truffle-filled chocolates – with barely a touch of Sherlock’s favorite aperitif – Brandy. A little hair of the dog that bit you!
The Menu
There’s something striking about black and white – whether it’s black tie or white, black and white photographcs, or seeing the world in black and white (or perhaps more accurately, in far more than just 50 shades of grey). The look is classic, like an historic moment frozen in time. From Young Frankenstein to Schindler’s List – we instinctively place all things black and white into a class of their own. It’s like reading the book instead of watching the movie.That’s the inspiration for our January GiggleBake Box – foods black & white (sort of, or at least by name – if someone would explain those Black & White Cookies to us). Historic and fun, new classics and old. Just take it and run!

December 2018
The “Reindeer Games” Box
Ginger Snacks
A little something for empty tummies to start a Snowy Play Day – and it wouldn’t be winter without the spicy smell of freshly-made gingerbread. Just the sort of goodies our woodsy friends take off their mittens to enjoy. (But you should heat them up and bring the whipped cream!)
Feeling Their Oats
Ah – to be young again! These caramel and chocolate layered oatmeal bites are just the thing for our playful reindeer teens who we imagine are feeling their oats right about now!
Tourist Treats
We like to picture our reindeer pals goofing off in the Lapland, and for us, just handing them a plain ol’ apple as a treat is , well, sorta lazy. So, we dressed them up a bit in sweet little pastry cages for the holidays.
A Bite of Java
It takes a lot of energy to be a reindeer, what with all that snow and playtime and hanging out with friends. While sweet bites help to maintain their calorie count, it still takes a little “oomph” once in awhile. But hey – no thumbs! So bite-sized cookies do the trick!
Truffle Off to Buffalo
We like to think of our snowy friends heading home down “The Truffle Road” at the end of their day – taking a wintry evening walk back home with starlight bouncing off the snow and rocks (marshmallow & walnuts). Just makes you want to eat it all up!
The Menu
You don’t need to ‘believe’ in reindeer to enjoy their antics, because they’re real live critters that are part of the snowy landscape we all enjoy looking at (if not being in) this time of year. We wanted to celebrate their very (amazing) existence this month by letting our imagination go all ‘Pixar’ about what they’re doing when humans aren’t watching.

November 2018
The “Sweet Winter Nights” Box
C3 Challah
A delicious and surprsing twist on Israeli Challah – which we created by adding equal doses of Guittard White, Milk, and SemiSweet chips. Slice it, even French-toast it — any way you choose to enjoy it, this one’s a winner.
Catch a Kolache
Originated in Czechoslovakia, these apple-filled doughs found their way to Texas and took up residence with a passion. (Who knew?)
Milk Stout
Just our crazy American way of making something already good even more delightful. By adding caramel, of course! Consider these Caramel Tarts our contribution to the International Collection of Really Amazing Holiday Desserts.
Nutty Nordics
A traditional Scandanivian delight, these light and crunchy cookies are both aromatically and palatably almond. Your newest Nordic friend. Who’s nuts for you?
We figured the real name was just as entertaining as any we could make up. Real Italian Plums slow-cooked for 24 hours to make a plum butter concoction that is stunning with everything from toast to marinade. A staple in Germany…a short season here.
The Menu
Winter’s coming (or, okay – it’s here). So we may as well embrace it, RIGHT? To search out how other folks celebrate the season with their version of a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter’s night, we’ve taken a tour around the world’s kitchens to bring you a variety of sweets you can explore without leaving home. So, go ahead – enjoy every international bite!

August 2018
The “Hawaiian Escape” Box
Ono Hanu
You may already know of our affinity for sea turtles (Hanu) – so it seemed only logical to us to celebrate them in chocolate-drizzled pistachio form in honor of our 50th state. Ono! (aka “delicious”)
Sea Buddies
It’s like having your own little “Finding Nemo” crew – and then you eat them. (Yikes!) Tasty coconut glazed Pineapple cakes. What’s not to love?
Mac Palauni
What’s a GiggleBake box without a Guittard chocolate specialty? Delightfully “just right” brownie (Palauni) cups studded with Macadamia Nuts.
Hibiscus Beauties
The Wizard of Whimsy had a decorative binge that we felt should be as good to eat as it is to look at. Hand-Painted Almond Sugar Cookies (if you can bring yourself to eat them, they’re so sweet to see!)
Aloha Bars
A Sweet greeting or sinfully delicious sendoff. However you manage to get your hands on them, just make sure you do. (Think of them as “Better than Almond Joys” – since they are!)
Big Wave Salt Water Taffy - direct from Hawaii
This is going to change how you think about Taffy. (As in, It should all taste this good!) We hit up our friend Steve at Big Wave Taffy to send it over from the islands. (We think you’ll thank us.)
Favor guide: Orange/Yellow: Mango; Blue/Yellow: Passion Fruit; White/Brown: Coconut; Green /Yellow: Pineapple; Purple/Pink: Tropical Punch
Skip the Straw - Save a Turtle!
We’ve mentioned this before and promised to take action. Now we have –and you can too! FYI – Every time we tell our server to “keep the straw” it’s a really, really good feeling. Try it and see for yourself. with your very own Starter Pack!
The Menu
Who isn’t thinking about escaping the heat, the job, the everything this summer? (We sure are.) So we thought an existential trip to Hawaii was called for – to take in all its beauty (even if it’s just through pretty pictures). And we’ve provided a whole bunch of the taste for the trip.

May 2018
The “This is Nuts!” Box
Bread with the Almond Blues
This would be “The Nuttier Version” (for those who recall). Fresh sweet bread and blueberries laced with sliced almonds. Nuke it for a few seconds and see how your life gets soooo much better.
Hazelnuts in disguise. The perfect Halloween costume (if you’re a nut, anyway – fooled you, didn’t it?). Hazelnuts and chocolate dressed up as walnuts. Brilliant.
Walnut Wake-Ups
Walnuts are the star of these adorable (and very tall!) financiers – with a fair dose of coffee AND espresso for a quick pick-me-up.
Roasted Macadamia nuts add a tropical flair to this real honey honeycomb. Crunch in more ways than one with these sweeties.
Congress Bars
When we started counting all the nuts in these nut and fruit bars, we recognized the resemblance. (har har!) No party affiliation necessary to enjoy these – we just think it’s all nuts!
The Gilded Nut Habanero Heat Pistachios
Not satisfied with plain ol’ pistachios we can pick up in any grocery store – we were thrilled to discover this small-batch artisan who created a number of memorable flavors for these Jumbo California Pistachios. Our favorite was the Habanero Heat – but visit their website to find out if you agree! www.gildednut.com (And say hi to John for us when you order more!)
The Menu
We were just noticing that hey – things really ARE pretty nutty all around us these days. And “Ding!” – our box theme was born. (We’re a little dingie anyway.) We’ve gathered some of our favorite nut-rich sweets (and savories, too) so we’d have an appropriate treat on hand to watch the news.

Februay 2018
The “Time for a Cuppa” Box
We hate to break it to you, but after you try one of these, all other lemon bars will be dead to you. So savor every bite.
Not-A-Crumb-Left Cake
Did you know when you’re in a trendy coffee stop, Everyone eLSE Is completely self-absorbed? It’s true. That’s why no one will notice when you scoop up every crumb of this gem – don’t waste any.
Sweet Madeleines
No self-respecting espresso drink wants to pass up these sweet shells. But these madeleines add a little flair of their own – a rim of white chocolate dipped into chopped roasted and salted pistachios. Gah!
When you find yourself dragging, just pop one of these power-packed chocolates and get the “Oomph!” you need. It’s A sweet jolt of espresso that packs a punch. (One at a time, though – we’re not joking!)
Guittard Sweet Ground White Satin
Thought we’d bring a little bit of that “White Mocha” experience with us – and no one does it better than Guittard. No need to refrigerate (as though it would last that long!)
Skip the Straw - Save a Turtle!
We’ve mentioned this before and promised to take action. Now we have –and you can too! FYI – Every time we tell our server to “keep the straw” it’s a really, really good feeling. Try it and see for yourself. with your very own Starter Pack!
The Menu
Stay in your jammies this morning and enjoy a plethora of amazing cafe-style treats to go with that cuppa Joe. Better yet, liven it up with a spoonful of white chocolate sauce. All we ask in return is that you think of starting one new habit: Skip the Straw and Save Our Sea Life!

January 2018
The “Alpenglow” Box
Grand Teton Cookies
Our hearts always head back to the Tetons. To us, these peaks are ‘golden’ – now they are for you, too, in citrus cookie form.
Baby Lodgepoles
Every Lodgepole Pine has to start somewhere! Just imagine the heights these sweet and spicy cakes will climb to (if they last 100 years).
Shooting Stars
Out here the stars are plentiful, and we like to imagine the shooting ones would be as lovely and sweet as these light and airy meringues.
Berry Surprise
You might think you know what these one-bite macarons bring to your tastebuds, until you get to that burst of mountain huckleberry.
Only thing about these snowballs is they’d be a shame to waste throwing at someone else, with all their sweet pecan goodness.
Sweet Sunrise
Bittersweet truffles encased in white chocolate – All Guittard – with its own Alpenglow rooftop.
Toast at the Top
We felt such a view called for A tiny celebratory toast – in honor of nature and all its splendor. And hey – Mountains have bears – and bears + toast = Champagne Gummy Bears! (Seriously, Kelly hates gummy bears, but she makes an exception for these!) Direct from Sugarfina – and made with Dom Perignon. Yep.
The Menu
If you’ve ever been witness to a snowy mountain range illuminated with the rosy light of an Alpenglow sunrise, well,- you know. For those who haven’t, we suggest you chase one down…it’s worth it. For a few brief moments, all is more than right in the world. This is what we thought it might taste like.

December 2017
The “Buffalo Hugs” Box
We’re not gonna lie, we think our black double-cocoa Buffalo cookies are not only tasty, but cute as heck! They’re just the kind of ‘buffalo plaid’ we love to snuggle up with.
Your choice – these triple-chocolate hazelnut biscottis are great for coffee dunkin’ – or just scarfing down one after the other, no java necessary. (Get it? Dunk-er-nots? Giggle, snort!)
Ginger Towers
Forget those dainty little decorated gingerbread houses you see everywhere, because these towers of rich, gingerbread cakes from scratch are far more tasty, without the guilt of leaving a tiny family homeless. (Be sure to give ‘em a nuke, tho – that’s how they’re at their best!)
Oh, Fudge!
Smooth peanut butter and roasted pecans come together in this fudge that’s one of the most traditional of wintertime sweets. Just watch out for that sugar coma!
(So Not) Buffalo Chips
(Couldn’t resist that one!) These spicy little crackers are a little detour from our usual fare, but with a purpose: So you can sample the incredible Salsa Pecidini (next up!) – because it doesn’t go so good with chocolate.
Salsa Pedicini
A little respite from the “Sugars of the Season” – we found this amazing salsa from a small-batch artisan that only makes it twice a year. Which means, you are holding a very rare vintage of spicy wonderfulness in your hands. Not only “mwuah!” with tortilla chips and margaritas – but great to bake with (and to load onto hot dogs, so we’re told!)
The Menu
One glimpse at that pattern, and all thoughts turn to cozy flannel, warm winter nights by the fire, and the familiar comforts of home during this season. (Not to mention a tiny touch of “country.”) We hope you find all that and more in this Box.

November 2017
The “Autumn Memories” Box
Moist and packed with flavor, these pumpkin loaves and bite-sized cakes bring their own espresso to the party – layered right inside. We couldn’t stop with just one…so we knew you couldn’t either. That’s why we added a few spare acorns and maple leaves!
Sweet Critters
As all our animal friends begin preparing for winter, there are plenty of them to be seen in nature – but they probably don’t taste quiet as sweet as these iced and citrus-infused cookies!
Fall Balls
In case anyone thought they’d escape the ‘call of the pumpkin’ this month – Gotcha! The mix of these soft biscotti bites with a hint of butterscotch and a splash of starry sprinkles will surely have you beggin’ for more.
Dates Gone By
A throwback to one of mom’s favorite recipes, these soft and crumbly mini- bites of just-the-right-amount-of-sweetness might just take you back in time for a quick moment. (Just close your eyes to get there.)
Zip Sticks
Sure, we can do “healthy” – just take a look at these tiny twigs of organic cranberries, pumpkin seeds, and almonds! But we can’t help it they were lured by the vessel of semi-sweet Guittard chocolate in our kitchen.
Maple Cube - Tonewood
Look what we found! (And you’re going to want to keep it handy.) Just shave some of this perfect buttery, pure maple sugar cube on top of your favorite snacks, liven up your autumn vegetables – and even the main dish. It doesn’t get any better (or sweeter!) than this! More at TonewoodMaple.com.
The Menu
All it takes is the glimpse of a golden leaf, to find ourselves swept back in time to familiar places and familiar faces. Autumn is a gift wrapped in glorious colors that reminds us to pause, reflect, and give thought to what we hold dear – and what we should release. Embrace the flavors of the season.

October 2017
The “Awesome to the Core” Box
Apple Air
We call them “Air” because they taste a little more “souffle-y” than “cake-y.” But whatever texture you discern, these beauties bring double-layers of fresh Honeycrisp and Granny Smiths to a cinnamon/sugar delight. We recommend 5-10 minutes in a 350-degree oven to freshen-them up – and you DO have ice cream, right??
This tasty caramel glaze might disguise the apple-design beneath – but the spiced apple-pecan cake it covers is the perfect complement.
Caramel Apple Filled Cookies
SO much inside these rustic-look apple cookies, we thought it only fair to warn you that consuming these might allow our cookies to worm their way into your tastebuds’ hard drives. A layer of butter, sugar, and cinnamon is topped with freshly made apple pie filling, and topped off with a dollop of apple cider caramel. What can we say? We got carried away!
Boiled Cider and Pecan Caramels
Boiled Cider is about to become your new best friend. We’ve loaded two types of homemade caramels into these bags – the darker ones of Boiled Cider — the lighter ones are classic Pecan Caramels – because, making caramels is a disease we can’t control.
Cider Crispies
And one more thing . . . For a great finish on that salad? Toss a handful of these lightly candied and slightly spicy walnuts on top. We guarantee – they won’t disappoint. (Pretty damn good even without the salad, too!)
Wood's Boiled Cider - A Vermont Classic
Concentrated Cider – nothing else added. Wood’s Boiled Cider has been family-made since 1882 by grinding, pressing, and cooking down this sweet cider to a 7-to-1 concentrate.
Use it to dress up your recipes from pies and desserts to seasonal vegetables (oy! imagine the brussels sprouts!), to main dishes like chicken,and pork, even add a touch to your bbq. Mix it in yogurt, pour it over pancakes or ice cream – or use it as we did to whip up an incredibly delicious, healthy, (and easy) vinaigrette salad dressing – like this:
Whisk together:
- 2 Tablespoons Boiled Cider
- 1 Tablespoon Cider Vinegar
- 1 Tablespoon Minced Shallots
- 3/4 Cup Mild Olive Oil
- Add Salt & Pepper to taste
Coring Apples Just Got Easier
Simply push it into the fruit – then use your thumb to lift the handle to open it up and release the core. Easy-peasy!
The Menu
An apple a day? We’ve made that a no-brainer. But outside of the fresh ones, we’d also presenting a small bushel of sweet apple treats to enjoy, too. The height of the season brings sweet Honeycrisps and Tangos, tart Granny Smiths, and simply a “Gala” assortment of this crop’s goodness. Take a bite!

September 2017
The “Taste of Tuscany” Box
Ahh...Live in Torta

Citrus 'Cottas
Tuscan flavors without the ricotta? Not happening here. But we took it in a new direction with aromatic and flavorful orange ricotta cookies with flavored glaze. Just call ‘em “Lays” – because nobody can eat just one.
Cacao Gold
There are chocolate cookies, and then there are gold mines like these. Take a look at that cocoa color – made possible by the good folks at Guittard, of course. So special we had to add a touch of gold.
Tuscan Trio
Picture yourself enticed by the aromas into an a small family bakery tucked away in a picturesque Tuscan village. All those sweet delights right before your eyes. How do you choose? By taking some of each, of course! That’s what our Tuscan Trio offers – an assortment of hand-made Italian classics: Perfect size cookie bites of Pinolate (Pine Nut), Biscotti Regina (Sesame Seed), and Datteri e Noci (Date & Walnut). A nibble-y escape to an Italian countryside (in your mind, at least!).
What's Italy Without the Cheese?
Okay – we know you’re excited about the thought of a premium wheel of super-aged Parmesan Reggiano – but hold on a sec – because we found something even better: Formaticum Cheese Storage Paper that will allow you to keep your artisan cheeses fresher…for longer. No kidding. This paper simulates the environment of cheese caves used for aging – allowing your cheese to breathe and stay fresher – for longer. (No more “green cheese in the trash”!)
The Menu
Just in case you missed out on your European vacation this summer, allow us to take your taste buds on a little tour of “the boot.” A collection of the traditional tastes of Tuscany (maybe with a little twist) should make up for that – right?

August 2017
The “Gettin’ Stoned” Box

Sorry – couldn’t resist that one. But the catch is that you probably won’t be able to resist these fresh plum pies, either. It was worth the wait for this incredible harvest – albeit short-lived one – of Empress Plums. Sweet crust, tart, fruity filling – just do us a favor and don’t make a mess of yourself!
Just Peach-ies
Too cute to eat? Don’t let them fool you. These almond-flavored cookies are filled with fresh Peach jam, dipped in Peach liqueur, and rolled in perfect sweetness. Truly the eye-candy of this month’s box.
Jackpot Cherries
Brown butter is what makes these fresh cherry bars so special. Oh – and the tons of cherries they’re packed with. (Seriously, we pitted all these fresh cherries by hand. Send Ben-Gay!)
Clever names just seem to burst forth from our lips this month. But these sweet little pastries filled with a tart burst of real apricot won’t escape yours once you bite in!
Morning Peaches
If you REALLY had to wait for breakfast to dig into this layered, fresh peach coffeecake, we’d understand. We recommend (as with many of our GiggleBake treats) – a quick warm-up first, tho.
For An Elegant Summer Afternoon...
We thought this Vintage Silverware Bud Vase Magnet had just the right “Georgia Peach” flair to complement this month’s Box. Love it? You can get one at “FlyMeHome” on Etsy – or visit www.flymehomedecor.com to see more of Sue Guzik’s handmade and upcycled decor.
The Menu
Don’t get your hopes up with that title! Because the fact is we’re talking about an even more “natural” high – the one you get from the taste of ripe, sweet summer Stone Fruits – presented in all sorts of delicious manner.

July 2017
The “Sail Away” Box
Yankee Chippers

Giggle Grogs
Don’t let this sweet loaf deceive you – it packs a fair dose of The Good Stuff (aka Gosling’s Bermuda Black Seal Rum). Honestly, if we GiggleBake’rs were pirates, there’s a good chance all of all alcohol would be consumed this way.
Cap'n ChocoChewies
Gluten-free and packed with (what else?) Guittard cocoa, these almond-sprinkled brownie cups are a triumph of chewy chocolate goodness. We were taking bets these would disappear first. (We won.)
Peanut Jammies
Compact, filling, and ready to sail – these peanut butter and jelly bars bring a taste of your youth into your future travels. You can even eat ’em in your jammies!
Broken Glass
Go ahead and wander the sandy shores without fear, because the only thing this sea glass candy will be breaking is your heart – when it’s all gone.
Just Coastin'
Stylin’ by the sea is what you’ll be doing with this unique set of four nautical-knot coasters. Why unique? Because they were made by hand right here at our very own GiggleBake headquarters. Every. Single. One. (Yeah – it took her awhile.) Sorry – Corona not included. 😉
The Menu
“God, I wish I was sailing again.” –Jimmy Buffett
For those who know the feeling, sailing away to a foreign (or any) shore is an adventure filled with Water, Wind, & Wow. We think your “Boat Foods” should keep pace. Hand snacks with no mess. But still . . . Giggle-worthy. Time to cast off.

June 2017
The “Berry Me” Box
Bread with the Blues

Triple Berry Bikkies
We couldn’t help including these glazed, cloud-soft scones packed with fresh Blackberries, Raspberries and Blueberries. (Not a bite without a berry!) Perfect fresh out of the packaging, or warmed up a tad. They’re not picky.
Strawberry Puffs
These may look like a crackle cookie, but the freshly made Strawberry puree we made them with adds a unique, light texture that just makes you want to go sit on the porch and chill. All summer long.
Berries from the Gods
That name is no lie. These freshly-canned (by us!) ginormous Blackberries in simple blackberry syrup (made by us, of course) make anything they touch unforgettable. Buy the ice cream. Right now. Go! (You’ll thank us later.)
If a Caramel Married a Raspberry
Yes. These would be their babies. Fresh Raspberries transformed. Un-believe-able.
Bowl for your Berries
The perfect, berry-sized colander that thought of everything for you. It’s the perfect size for a container of berries – collapsible, drains at the bottom, and even includes a detachable tray to catch water. (No more soggy countertops!)
The Menu
Oh, admit it. You’ve been eyeballing these beauties in the grocery store produce department just like we have. Bushels of fresh Blackberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, and Strawberries that – we admit – are definitely more than perfect in their natural state. But their loveliness also happens to inspire our GiggleBaking gene – so this month, it was All About the Berries!

May 2017
The “Parrotheads Unite!” Box
Last Mango in Paris

Stars on the Water
Honest, we didn’t just pick these up from the beach. But they sure look like they belong there, eh?
Just enough of everything – Macadamia, coconut, white chocolate, and exotic fruits – baked into diamonds of perfection. This was an “omg-I-can’t-stop-eating-them!” entry.
Bold in appearance, flavor, and character – these baked orbs of sea-salted Guittard cocoa charm your socks right off. And who needs socks at the beach, anyway?
Pop Goes the Margarita
Because really, who’s gonna know? These lively little sweets aren’t so strong you’ll be caught doing the Desperation Samba – but they’ll take you away on a quick trip to Margaritaville just when you need it.
License to Chill
As we plotted and planned and baked this month, one thing became dazzlingly clear: Not one of the items in this Box wouldn’t benefit from a drizzle or a dunking in this Sea Salted Caramel. Heat it up a bit, and you can sea for yourself.
Paraphenalia for Parrotheads
In true Parrothead style, this month’s extra bit of fun was designed to liven up your cocktails, freshen up your breath (with, what else? Juicy Fruit!), and give you a hand with lugging around all your coconut bras and Parrothead paraphenalia – in an adorable (and very compact) Fish tote. Time to Par-tay On!
The Menu
Worthy of note: Always keep a pot of “Margarita Pops” cooking on the stove, and we guarantee – your day will automatically go better. 😉
Summer weather made us want to put on our Jimmy Buffett albums (yes albums) and sail, er, bake away! Wherever you find yourself, this should remind you of a favorite trip to the shore. FINS UP!

April 2017
The “Citrus Spring” Box
Golden Braids

The Nutty Tart
Whole hazelnuts, ground and livened up with a burst of candied orange peel – and a smidgen of chocolate. These are Nutty Tarts you’ll want to hang out with.
Silky Surge
Dual bursts of dynamic citrus flavor these smooth, luxurious Pâte de Fruit. The richness of fresh Blood Orange layered with bright (and fresh) Grapefruit. Trust us, the French have nothing on these beauties.
Short Slice
Some lively slices of lime and mandarin await you in this shortbread – just the thing to keep you munching while pondering the rest of this Box O’ Wonder.
Spoonful of Sunshine
Yes – good enough for a song. (Besides, the word “curd” is so unpoetic.) Made with freshly juiced lemons by us Chuckleheads, spooning this atop just about anything can only make life better.
Orange Blossom Honey from Savannah Bee Company
Direct from Georgia – and pinch us – Can honey really be this good? Bold sweetness with subtle citrus hints, straight from the nectar of Orange Blossom flowers. The results? Simply to die for.
And for your own citrus enjoyment ...
A wooden reamer (trust us – this thing beats the heck out of those yellow lemon presses you see – no juice left behind!) – plus a mini-strainer, just in case “pulp” is not your thing. We simply wanted to make it a breeze for you to enjoy the scents and flavors of your favorite citrus fruits at home, too.
The Menu
It was heaven just to inhale these recipes (never mind the taste-testing!). Lemon – Grapefruit – Blood Orange – Lime – Mandarin – these are the flavors that we all love, especially in the Spring. A fresh, aromatic reminder to us of all the lovely flowering trees and shrubs that deliver these tart and luscious fruits each year.

March 2017
The “Hanami – Cherry Blossom Festival” Box
DC Blooms

Cherry Buckets
What goes better with a picnic under the cherry blossoms than pails of fresh cherry almond cake? Set the table! er, blanket!
Japanese Tea Treats
Celebrating the origin of our amazing Washington D. C. cherry blossom trees, it only seemed right to add Japan to our menu. These Japanese Tea Treats add a quick Japanese flavor with one bite with green Matcha tea sweet buns, filled with sweet red bean paste.
These buttery shortbread sandwich cookies were made of freshly ground hazelnut flour, and featured a small window to the sweet cherry jam inside. Tied for this month’s favorite with those adorable Cherry Buckets.
Cherriyaki Sauce and Plump Dried Cherries - from Cherry Republic
How many of you knew the majority of our cherries come from Michigan? And they’re harvested and turned into incredible cherry-based products that give you new appreciate for the versatility of this deep, sweet fruit.
This month, we chose to include not just one, but two of their delicious products (maybe it had something to do with Cherry Republic’s fun and enticing website – and their commitment to their employees and creating incredible foods!).
Their Cherryaki Sauce and a healthy sampling of their amazing Dried Montmorency Cherries – presented together and the centerpiece of our presentation. (Just so you know, that sauce on salmon…..yowza! And you have NEVER had dried cherries and big and flavorful before.) Huh – a GiggleBake philosophy, and a commitment to making fantastic products. We liked them immediately.
The Menu
Traditionally, mid-March-April is the month the thousands of gifted Cherry Blossoms bloom in Washington D.C., and this year was no exception. To honor the beauty – and the original meaning – of these beautiful cherry trees, celebrating “Hanami” seemed only fitting. In Japan, it’s the time for family and friends to party under the cherry trees while surrounded by the beauty of “Sakura” (cherry blossoms). We brought it all right to you this month, to enjoy no matter how far the nearest cherry blossom tree might be.

February 2017
The “Love Is All You Need” Box
Honey Pie
Heart-shaped chocolate goodness – both inside and out. Flaky hand-rolled chocolate pie crust with chocolate filling. Sprinkled with sparkling sugar, and ready to gob-smack down the (haha!) pie-hole – hot or cold.
Love Bites
Tiny hearts, moons, and stars sugar cookies (because we love you to the moon and back!) – marbled with color, and the perfectly poppable size. We probably should have included more…these got absorbed in a New York minute, we were told.
Crunchy Kisses
Our very own special recipe toffee – coated with melted Guittard chocolate, then covered with crushed almonds. It was a yowza-moment – just like you’d imagine a ‘crunchy kiss’ to be.
Sunshine SuperCots from Apricot King Orchards
While we’re committed to an exciting new assortment for each monthly GiggleBake theme – we are such major fans of Apricot King Orchards that there are always going to be ways we sneak their extraordinary premium dried apricots into the mix. This was one…some plain (because, seriously – Apricot King!) – and some dipped in either milk or white Guittard chocolate, and presented with a touch of edible gold or pink dust. Lots of our GiggleBake’rs followed our lead and began ordering their own direct from this orchard. Smart folks. And by the way, that’s always our plan with the special items we include in our boxes – we just love introducing amazing food and things we think are awesome!
Please Please Me!
Spicy or sweet – what’s your pick? We made that an easy choice with this mini collection of hand-rolled truffles that gives you a touch of each.
Spicy took us from Chipotle Chile and Tabasco, to a healthy dose of Kahlua with Sea Salt.
Sweet – well, that’s not hard, with a combination including almond, hazelnut, and Amaretto.
And Guittard chocolate. Of course.
The Menu
Is February the ONLY month of Love? We don’t think so – but we’ll use any excuse to capitalize on The Beatles, and hearts, and chocolate. Mission accomplished!

January 2017
The “Hygge” Box
Not for anything, but the words “Happe” and “Cake” should go together ALL the time, but we coined it for this particular vanilla and (Guittard) chocolate marble cake. A light and moist delivery of the best flavors, right?
In wintertime, we crave foods both delicious and filling – and when we crafted this particular bar recipe, we had to name them precisely the way they made us feel – filled with Joy. Hands-down, the favorite in this month’s box. (Hard to believe when there was HappeCake around, huh?)
||All Better|| Sauce
Okay – we might have lied about those OatJoys. Or at least, we have to say this was a very, very, VERY close second. Because, you see, there’s Chocolate Fudge Sauce, and then there’s GiggleBake’s “All Better” Sauce. Aptly named, because you don’t even need to put it on food to feel all better about EVERYthing. Still getting requests for this one months later. The secret? It’s in the chocolate. The very, very, very, VERY dark chocolate. (By Guittard, of course.)
Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookie Butter
Ohmyfreakinggosh. Always big fans of Trader Joe’s over here at GiggleBake – but when we first discovered their amazing cookie butter, we filed that away under “S.C.F.” (Serious Comfort Food.) And that’s how it found its way into our Hygge Box – complete with the perfect-sized wooden spoon to encourage our GiggleBake’rs to just eat it out of the jar. (We heard they did.)
Cloudz and SMugs
Of course we had to consider hot steaming mugs of something that warms our innards during this cold spell. So we crafted two wonderful styles of marshmallows to make your cocoa or warm milk a whole lot more fun.
Cloudz – Hand-crafted vanilla marshmallows (flavored with our own aged stock of Vanilla Extract), big and pillowy and just begging you to chase it around your mug with a spoon as it slowly releases its sweet goodness.
S’Mugs – Ahhhh….our own favorite recipe for turning our steamed milk into the most delightful hot Chai Tea Latte we’ve ever had. Hot milk, add S’Mugs, stir, and enter the bliss.
Doggie and Me - Ear Hugs and Dog Scarf from Blame It On Annie
Blame It On Annie. (We always did.) Because the one thing she was “into” more than anything was cozy, comfortable warmth. And that’s what these Hand-Knit Ear Hugs with a matching Dog Scarf provided.
Hand-knit by our own GiggleBaker, Janine, this darling and snuggy duet not only keeps your ears warm with style – but lets you bring your favorite tiny buddy along to look just as cool. Or warm. Whatever.
Annie was the inspiration for many incredible creations through her Blame It On Annie line of dog and people luxury goods. And while she left us for greener pastures not long ago, she will never be forgotten. (Really – just check her Facebook page!)
The Menu
Hygge – Let’s just say it’s how Scandanavians find their comfort zone. That safe place, your cozy spot – the sanctuary where everything falls into warm and comfortable space. We pondered mightily about the American version of food (& stuff) that makes the winter months a time to embrace.

December 2016
The “Cardinals, Cinnamon & Cranberries” Box
Truffle Road
Fresh walnuts and handmade marshmallow filling blazed a trail through this supreme Guittard truffle log, creating the a Rocky Road to Decadence. Understandably, the item that brought the most joy (and tears, when it was finished – sorry about that!).
Mt. Hazelnut
“Snow” dusts the crown of these absolutely-to-crawl-across-broken-glass-for deep chocolate (Guittard, of course) and toasted hazelnut-studded biscotti. Nothing will make your first run of the day go more smoothly!
Scarlet Snowballs
Couldn’t be simpler, more flavorful, or less complicated (ingredient-wise) – our Scarlet Snowballs bring a sweet, tangy, and crunchy burst of flavor to each pop into your mouth. You’ll never waste a cranberry by stringing it again….not when you can enjoy them like this!
Squirrel's Secrets
We hid them on this plate so you’d know how simple it is to have your nuts in plain sight and camouflaged at the same time. (har, har!) They’re the white ones on the right – and one of the most-requested personal recipes in our kitchen. We brought this fan-favorite to our holiday box, and all everyone had to say was….. Hey! Squirrel!
House o' Berries
We thought a little thematic architectural spin on this classic cranberry and citrus recipe would fit right in – and we were right. (According to our GiggleBake’rs, they were unwrapped and gone first thing.) Sweet bread and home – is there a better combination?
This is Your Spice
The centerpiece (or we should say, “scent-erpiece”) of our Cardinals, Cinnamon and Cranberries Box was quite the presentation for the decorative – and tasteful – offerings it included.
– That gorgeous Scented Snowflake is a premium, hand-decorated Gingerbread recipe that shared the aroma of fresh-ground Ceylon Cinnamon (the best!), Organic Nutmeg, Clove, and Cardamom. (We even punched a hole and included the ribbon to keep it as an ornament.)
– A Microplane Premium Spice Grater – that everyone needed to make the fragrant most of the…
– Fresh Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks, the perfect “grate” addition to just about any December food favorite, and
– Organic Whole Nutmeg, which, you know, ditto the Cinnamon!
– And, of course, a delightfully adorable Cardinal ornament to remember this extraordinary box.
The Menu
Nothing (as far as we’re concerned, anyway) represents an instant snapshot of winter like seeing a bright red cardinal among the trees – so this menu was a cinch for us. Makes us giggle just looking at it.

August 2016
The “Movie Night” Box
Giggle Jacks
(Consider them the grown-up version of Cracker Jacks). Starting with gourmet mushroom popcorn, lightly tossed and toasted with roasted almond oil and maple syrup – then tossed again with Vermont Cheese Powder. Great on its own, but add in your little packets of “3 Amigos Crush” and fresh bacon bits we included – and it just doesn’t get any better.
Cherry and Peach Hand Pies
Hand-made with fresh cherries, fresh peaches, and hand-mixed, rolled and shaped pie dough – with a sparkling sugar topping. No forks necessary.
Three Amigos Nut Brittle
We found three nuts that taste even better when you keep ’em together – so we created our very own brittle and tossed them in. Hazelnuts, Almonds, and Cashews. (We thought they looked sweet with our hand-made butterscotch suckers, too.)
The SlowBerry Chew
Hand-pulled Raspberry Taffy – to help you get through those s-l-o-w love scenes without crunch.
Just Poppin' Gourmet Mushroom Popcorn Kernels
For your future popping enjoyment – packaged and (bow) tied up – because we knew you’d want more of these big fluffy balls of goodness. Just Poppin‘s gourmet mushroom popcorn is the only kind we’ll pop at home now!
Things Go Better With Coke! Dusters
So we added two sweet shaker bottles – but filled them with the perfect popcorn toppers: 100% Pure Maple Sugar, and King Arthur’s Vermont Cheese Powder.
The Menu
Remember those days when movies came with programs? (Ack! We’re showing our age!) Well, the Hollywood Premiers did, anyway. And we thought they should make a bit of a comeback for our “Movie Night” Box.

June 2016
The “Wyoming Sunrise” Box
Zolts. The perfect name for these bite-sized powerballs. (We discovered that as we baked them – because they gave us just the oomph of energy we needed to keep the ovens filled.) White and dark chocolate (Guittard, of course) livened up with cappuccino chips, a touch of espresso, and a smidgen of Kahlua. GiggleBake’s answer to a far better-tasting Red Bull. No surprise to us this was a crowd favorite.
City Slickers
Everyone wants to be a cowboy – at least once. It’s the “once” part that reminds us that not everyone is cut out to a life in the wilderness. So we came prepared for that with our authentic “City Slickers” – a tasty reminder of what’s waiting for some folks when they leave the Dude Ranch and head back to the city. New York Crumb Cake that hit the spot.
Cowboy Syrup
Our handmade salted caramel sauce seemed to be more like “Cowboy Gravy” than syrup – since the reports we got back showed that it goes good on EVERYthing. No lie. You can catch the bubbling goodness in the making on our Facebook page right here. As mesmerizing as the delicious enjoyment. This one . . . will be back.
What’s caramel and espresso and coffee without the chocolate? We thought so, too. These Broncs were the perfect accompaniment of cake-y, bite-sized brownies that absolutely hit the spot. Word was they were the first casualty of the Wyoming Sunrise box. (Gone before anyone else could steal ’em, they say.)
Jackson Hole Roasters Coffee (and a Scoop!)
Appropriately titled, we must say – and ohmygosh was this custom roasted coffee a hit with our GiggleBake’rs. Ordered special from Jackson Hole Roasters in Jackson, Wyoming – it still remains the favorite coffee EVER of many who received it. Because it was Just That Special – we added a little something (appropriately) extra: That Clip-On Stainless Steel Coffee Scoop you see attached to the top of the bag. We still get comments today.
The Menu
Including “Your Guide to All Things Delicious and Western” in the Wyoming Sunrise Box.

May 2016
The “International Mother’s Day” Box
French Macarons
First stop: Paris for French Macarons. Those tantalizingly colorful, amazingly delicious, and incredibly fragile almond sweets that are arguably the reason why GiggleBake exists in the first place. Two enticing flavors – “Crazy Limeys” with real lime filling, and “Salt Me Up” filled with whipped salted caramel. Sometimes you just have to make a lot of macarons. Because.
English Scones
Across the Channel to London: English Scones, the quintessential sweet recognized around the world for its British roots. Ours were handmade, included some fresh, sweet apricots and the whole topped with a dusting of crunchy, sparkling sugar. (Jam on the side…we thought of that, too.)
Italian Torrone Nougat
Sailing to Italy, we encounter Italian Torrone Nougat Candy (2 ways). Why on earth make something sweet with things like honey and pistachios – when you can do it twice? To-die-for pieces of morbido (soft) and friabile (hard) style traditional nougat – we even had a little extra fun by customizing the Morbido style with our logo on the delicate rice paper layer. What can we say, we’re hams for having fun.
Chinese Tea Leaves
Fortunately, China came to us to bring this Roasted Wild Tree Purple Tea from Leaves of Cha. Since we were taking our food travels around the world, it only made sense to complement this month’s box with tea (silicone tea infuser included!). And in our opinion, there’s no better or more knowledgeable source about tea than Jay Davis, owner of Leaves of Cha.
Blake Hill Preserves
Like we said, it’s only natural to want the best preserves for your fresh English Apricot Scones. That’s why we included a jar of Blake Hill with each box. Third-generation English fruit preservatory that was nice and handy to our original Vermont location. All we can tell you is . . . it wasn’t enough. (Is there ever enough preserves?)
The Menu
A quick trip around the world – foodie-style. The “International Mother’s Day” GiggleBake Box.

April 2016
The “Earth Day / Save the Bees” Box
This is what happens when you put our earthy goals to work: Our totally apricot-and-tons-o’-nuts version of freshly-baked (rhymes with) Braintoast Pips. As always, our dried apricots come direct from Apricot King Orchards in Hollister, California – because nothing less will do. Pistachios, Pumpkin and Sesame seeds round out the flavor.
And just for fun (because we were having a blast with these recipes!) – we also included a collection of “Date Me You Fool” crackers, packed with almonds. The perfect crispy and filling accompaniment to a gathering of the finest cheeses and friends (if you’re into sharing). Packaged up in a small, eco-friendly and biodegradeable starter pot – to accompany the Bumblebee Wildflower Garden seeds.
FRieNdly Bars
FRieNdly Bars. The best energy-boost to take with you on a hike, or when something healthy, filling, and fruity is on your mind. Three types of fruits with toasted hazelnuts and almonds – and yeah, chocolate chips were inevitable. (That just made it even better.)
Nuts Like Us Bars
A light and refreshing option made with the best of the best. Edamame, Cashews, Pumpkin Seeds, Honey, and Brown Rice Syrup. Great crunch with a touch of sweet, and flavors that go together like the birds and the bees.
Bee Home Honeycomb
Just the right amount of sweetness and light as air. We’re told our honeycomb was the first thing consumed, and rarely shared. (One of the perks of opening your GiggleBake Box first!)
Bumblebee Habitat Wildflower Garden Seeds
Lending the honeybees a hand was our plan, and some of our GiggleBake’rs were great enough to share the results of their wildflower seeds gardens, too! Enough to plant a 100 sf garden….direct and re-packaged from John Scheepers’ seed collection.
Vermont Bee Honey from Champlain Apiaries
You may not know this, but GiggleBake originally launched from Vermont – which made it easy for us to find some of the best producers of small-batch items up-close-and-personal. Champlain Apiaries was one of them, and sharing a smidgen of these delicious harvest was a must for this box.
The Menu
Simple and pure ingredients, with a reminder to “Bee the change” to make the planet a more bee-friendly environment. One of our early beta-program packages. So well-received, some items may make a curtain call someday soon.

March 2016
The “Easter Greetings” Box
White & Bittersweet Truffles
Hand-made white chocolate truffles with a dark, bittersweet ganache filling – all Guittard, all undeniably decadent. Packaged in a presentation almost as sweet as these truffles themselves.
Hand-Decorated Easter Cookies
One thing about GiggleBake, if it comes from us – it’s made with happy thoughts, fine ingredients – and by hand. Just like these giant hand-piped Easter Egg Cookies, and their accompanying friends of Easter-themed shapes and sizes.
Fresh Raspberry & Blackberry Financiers
There is a reason the French adore their financiers – and even more reason to love this striking presentation of a true classic. Fresh raspberries for some, fresh blackberries for others, the intricate starburst tart form simply adds more “taste” for the eyes, as well.
Pecan Caramels
One thing that definitely makes an appearance in multiple forms with GiggleBake is caramel. Quite frankly, we’re not picky about how it shows up – in syrups, cakes, drizzles, or candy – we’re always looking for new ways to offer it. These pecan caramels made the cut for our Easter box, and we always think two candies are better than one. (Move over, truffles!)
The "GiggleWand"
When we have a new creation at GiggleBake and discover “if you just do a little of this before you eat it….” things, we love to share. So, to help our GiggleBake’rs enjoy their fresh berry Financiers even more (like, “just out of the oven” more) – we included the perfect discovery: The OXO Sugar Duster” – aka: “The GiggleWand.” (Seen here with a little yellow friend who hopped in for the trip.) Because a little warmth, and a generous dusting of powdered sugar brought us a bit closer to our fans. And besides, it’s a hoot to play with – and what doesn’t go better with a dusting of sugar?

February 2016
The “Mardi Gras” Box
Pecan Bites
We’ve come a loooong way, baby! Since our first GiggleBake Box foray. Back then, it was just a concept and a beta program. But even though the delivery has changed, the goodies were just as tasty! We threw everyone a curve ball by celebrating Mardi Gras in 2016 – instead of that other February holiday (we can’t remember what it’s called). First up: Pecan Bites – a sweet shortcake treat direct from the cookbooks of NOLA.
Mini King Cakes
Too. Much. Fun. Let us loose with an authentic King Cake and colored sprinkles, and we’re just gonna have fun. See?
Espresso Marshmallows
Espresso Marshmallows with a dollop of deep and dark Guittard chocolate. Drop one of those in your coffee cup – and greet the day with a smile.